Mosman Photography Awards 2024

Welcome to the 5th edition of the Awards.

Entries Open on 17th May 2024

Head on over to
our Youtube Channel or
Visit the Gallery page to see
previous and current Award Winners.

To Enter The Mosman Photography Awards 2024

Click Here

The Awards

The Mosman Photography Awards 
aim to encourage the use of 
photography as a creative medium 
for the making of traditional 
and contemporary images.

Entrants in the  Open Categories 
who would like judge's feedback
on their work may obtain a written 
review of their submitted portfolio.

The Gala Event

The  Awards Gala Presentation
and Dinner is to be held at
The Mosman Rowers Club,
on Thursday 26th September,
where a selection of shortlisted entries
will be printed and on display for viewing, prior to announcement of the category winners on the night.


The judges are respected,
experienced professional
photographers, with a
demonstrated expertise
and passion for photography.

Kris Anderson
Jarrod Castaing
Jacqui Dean
Douwe Dijkstra 
Peter Eastway
Tom Putt
Chris Meredith
Robin Moon

The Prizes

We welcome back
Our Major Sponsors
Sony, Nisi, Sirui and Explorer

To Enter The Mosman Photography Awards 2024

Click Here

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